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Areas of Action

Often job seekers find themselves very confused and worried about their future, not knowing what they want to really do in life. Given the broadness of sustainability, our activities are based on a vast array of environmental, social and governance topics, aimed to help job seekers practice, network and gradually develop skills in the sustainability topic of their choice.

We believe in the principles of democracy, and grant horizontal leadership to our members, allowing them to even propose their own projects and take the lead on them (as they are aligned with our mission).

We give maximum flexibility, balancing volunteer time with work and private life, and we embrace any possible mistakes of the volunteers as long as their willingness to learn and make a positive impact is their driver.

Our current activity portfolio includes the following areas of action:
Youth green entrepreneurship
STEM represents the largest area of action, as sustainability primarily involves STEM disciplines. Several project drafts are being applied for funding in different ways in the following sub-areas:

  • Regenerative agriculture
  • Biodiversity
  • Green buildings
  • Green IT & Blockchain
Youth Green Entrepreneurship
Corporate Activism
Corporate activism involves influencing corporate policies and practices to promote environmental responsibility, social equity, and sustainable development. Most adverse impacts on the environment and human rights come from just a handful of companies in the world, and believe the best way to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals is to foster collaborations with corporates, and helping them hire more sustainability specialists who can support them in their journey towards organisational transformation, as well as compliance with the Green Deal Policies (or other local regulations).
Youth Green Entrepreneurship
Startup Acceleration & Think Tank
Startup Acceleration & Think Tank
We love supporting and empowering eco-innovators to navigate market complexities, share valuable insights, and create meaningful connections within our community. Whoever wants to make a positive impact is welcome to join us, and we will support social & environmental entrepreneurs with knowledge, networking and promotions via events with our broad audience and corporate/institutional partnerships.
Youth Green Entrepreneurship
Global South
We are at an early stage with this topic, but some of our volunteers have already started drafting local activities in the global South (Brazil and Indonesia). We are eager to see further results, interest, and leadership in the upcoming future for such activities.
Global South
Youth Green Entrepreneurship
Awareness Raising
Awareness Raising
While we believe more in systemic actions (e.g. learning well Sustainability Reporting and the CSDDD to then apply them in practice in a job) rather than individual ones, we still understand the importance of raising awareness to foster more sustainable individual behaviours. We are committed to do so via partnerships with other NGOs, think-tanks and institutions aimed to share sustainable eating habits, shopping and more.
Youth Green Entrepreneurship