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Our projects are based on a vast array of topics, and as we believe in the principles of democracy, is even possible for all associates to propose new projects themselves as long as they are aligned with our mission. Our current project portfolio includes:
Youth green entrepreneurship
Youth green entrepreneurship
We foster the creation of eco-innovative spinoffs from the results of our NGO’s research project, which will be taken over by our associates participating in that specific project. Indeed, we will promote the generation of social and environmental innovation through meaningful research projects to find straightforward solutions to societal problems. For example, at the moment, what we are doing with the material recyclability research project, could be a  future startup that gets taken over by the project’s participant.
Renewable Energy
The cluster of SDG 7 and 13, which is affordable energy, entails (access to energy, renewable energy, energy efficiency) and climate action, respectively.  We promote using renewable energy sources such as wind and solar power. This includes our work in analyzing the recent developments in energy policies,  focusing on the natural gas policies of some of the EU countries and their compatibility with their climate commitments. Furthermore, we plan on advocating for policy changes to make renewable energy more accessible and sustain the development of new renewable energy projects, as well as educating young students and adults on energy transition and technologies through podcasts, publications, workshops, and conferences. Our final target for this year in the field of renewable energy is to consult and educate on solar tiles and the adoption of residential CHP to offset energy prices and boost energy independence in the EU.
Sustainable Agriculture
In line with the interlinkages of SDG 2, which entails (the end of hunger, achieving food security, improved food nutrition, and promoting sustainable agriculture) and SDG 11, sustainable cities and communities, and SDG 12, responsible consumption and production. We promote sustainable agriculture practices, including using organic farming methods and developing local food systems. Our current work, through an editorial, focuses on how agriculture certification can help increase sustainability. Also, we are looking forward in the next six months to collaborate with farmers and other stakeholders to find practical solutions that benefit both the environment and local communities, such as the repurposing of abandoned buildings in the district into an aquaponic farm to boost all year and local production of food and vegetables.
Waste Reduction
We promote waste reduction initiatives, including recycling programs and composting.  This includes our ongoing pro-bono consulting program on the recyclability of some synthetic plastics, wood, and orange peels. We are also investigating the repurposing of these materials and potential buyers. We have plans to advocate for policy changes to support waste reduction efforts and work with businesses and local governments to implement new programs,  research, and consult on the design of sustainable and smart cities, wastewater management, design of solid and liquid waste treatment systems amongst others in accordance to SDG 6,9,11,12.
Climate Change
On the mandate of SDG 13 and 17, We work to promote climate change mitigation and adaptation efforts. This includes our current project on raising awareness for the effect of forest fires or floodings on biodiversity in the EU, collaborating with other NGOs on the transition to sustainable energy in the EU, advocating for policies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and supporting the development of new technologies to address climate change impacts, and consulting with companies and government on issues associated with climate change. Our most recent work in this field was an editorial on “sustainably mitigating the effects and impacts of geo hazards such as earthquakes.”
One of our mission is to educate young people - based on the eight key competencies for lifelong learning defined by the EU - on all aspects of sustainability, and one of the ways that we are currently doing that is by hosting a free monthly webinar on topics in sustainability, last month, we had a webinar on sustainable fashion and eco-innovation and Greentech in March. These free webinars will continue every month on different aspects of sustainability and will be done in collaboration with many organizations.  We are also writing a sustainability bible in 4 aspects of sustainability (STEM, policy and law, Economics, and humanities). This is to break down sustainability and its practicality and is targeted at students and young professionals. We also release biweekly editorials and will soon have a Youtube channel, Instagram, and TikTok accounts. These channels will enable us to reach more people on sustainability. Our look ahead in this area is to organize conferences, seminars, workshops, and panels to discuss and promote all aspects of sustainability.