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Associate status

Viktoriia Pylaieva

Viktoriia Pylaieva asks:

I wanted to clarify what exactly is different in the status of a volunteer and associate? B.r. Viktoriia

Federico Quaratesi

Federico Quaratesi replies:

Hi Viktoriia,

It is possible for anyone to choose whether to be an associate, a volunteer or both.

Being Easysustainability an association for social promotion, we provide our services free of charge to our associates. The benefits of the association are thus:

- Free services provided by us: coaching sessions, cv, LK, cover letter writing services, posting your freelance services on our new hybrid associate program page
- Pro version of our website (access to all features and materials as the Personal Development Plan)
- Possibility to participate physically in Erasmus+ and ESC projects
- Voting rights in assemblies
- Discounts on external sustainability courses, products and initiatives through the Easysustainabiliy (digital) card, which is coming soon
- Other benefits defined by Italian law (see the founding acts that will soon be published in our Transparency section)

In order to become an official associate you need to first carefully read our statute, then send us an official request via website and fill the form. Once we receive the filled form, the directors of the NGO will gather to deliberate on whether the person is suitable for becoming an associate at Easysustainability, and the person will be informed of the result.

Hope this clarifies your doubts!

Kind regards,

ES team